Lyric discussion by turkrnenistan 

Cover art for Breath from Another lyrics by Esthero

most of the lyrics, to me, suggest an incestuous relationship, really fucked up and toxic, describing a sort of twisted lust that atleast one person would definitely regret; "in the morning I'd regret it, had to dead it" the first section of the song & the first rapping section seem to suggest that the girl was initiating the whole situation and the man was saying no, however in the line "he got me hooked til i was shook" it says to me that the girl was possibly manipulated into the relationship. for me this song says a lot about male/female power relationships and victim blaming. this is often the case with incestuous relationships or r@pe cases where the man will shift the blame onto the girl and make her out to be a wh0re. This victim blaming thing also comes out in the last line, "When you're down on your knees infront of a man, I'll try to understand" It sounds like something an outsider would say to shame the girl, aka the victim. Just my take on the song which definitely could be wrong! Reading other comments is so interesting to me as everyone hears a different meaning in the song!!