Lyric discussion by Kittysuit 

Cover art for Forced Gender Reassignment lyrics by Cattle Decapitation

to me this song is about how gay kids and gender-non-conforming kids are forced/brainwashed into transitioning. having to go through a horrendous surgery so they can "feel" right or they can be "straight" to fit into society's standards. i don't know why most people see this as a pro-trans song. i think this is really about criticizing it, the process, and lack of gatekeeping.

My Interpretation

@Kittysuit i don't know, maybe it was the video depicting Westboro Baptist Church members being abducted and forced. maybe its the lyrics talking about "fear breeding contempt" and being forced into a body with circuity you cant control. Maybe it is the lines about christian indoctrination. Maybe your media literacy is awful. Lack of gatekeeping, are you serious? Maybe you need to have "forced gender dysphoria" as the song suggests, so you can know what it's like.

@Kittysuit What does this verse suggest?

"Unnatural and unclean! Lord, please forgive them as this is not what they mean Are you there and are you listening? Why would you even let this happen to me!"

Whose point of view is it?

@decessa this is a website where i can talk about my interpretation of a song. if you interpret it differently, that is fine too. you don't have to be so aggressive about it. it is very clear that a lot of gay and gender-non-conforming kids think that being trans is the only way to be seen as "normal'. this belief was/is definitely forced upon (and in some countries is still forced upon) these types of children. i didn't even attack transgender peeps as a whole, but you literally seem to interpret my comment that way. total brainrot lol....