Lyric discussion by RaelasF 

Cover art for In The Cage lyrics by Genesis

I think lyrics can mean whatever they mean to the listener... That said, for the author of the lyrics, I agree the "sunshine" is likely orange sunshine and "Rael" is likely GabRael. Which may also help explain all the stories, and resentment by other band members, that Gabriel insisted, was maybe even obsessed with, writing all the lyrics himself, by himself, it was about a very intense and possibly transformative experience for him.

Too bad the rest of the band could not let him do that, accept it, and move on to the next album when others would again write lyrics, maybe even another band member gets inspired and writes a whole concept album of lyrics. Young men typically do not have such patience and cannot see to play the long game.

I am one of those Gabriel era Genesis fans who is not so enamored with the more pop stuff that came after. I like TotT and WaW, I see them as the period when Gabriel's influence was waning and Collins was ascending. I am a drummer and have always thought Collins one of the greats, and he has a great voice (he may in fact have gotten his style from Gabriel!), but not a fan of his conceptually leading the band. I have often wondered what that line up, with Gabriel and Hackett, could have done if it had stayed together a few more albums. LLDOB is I think unquestionably a masterpiece.

I have wondered the same about the Beatles...who broke up in a similar dynamic, one member was seen (fairly) as trying to dominate the band, started thinking he were the band. Not so different than what happened with Waters and PF... Seems a common trap for successful bands... As a long ago band mate of mine said to me one day "Never start believing your own bullshit!" a very wise guitar player. That dynamic happened with Mick and the Stones and the Stones seem to have just ignored it, and to some extent him for a while, and the band moved on after a while to new heights.

[Edit: Program seemed to have shuffled the words repeating some...?]