Lyric discussion by rob1177228 

Cover art for Bird on the Wire lyrics by Leonard Cohen

"Like a beast with his horn I have torn everyone who reached out for me"

To me this single verse sums up my interpretation of the entire song. Here Cohen is writing about the distance he maintains from people – never quite letting them into his inner life.

I think the "horn" in this instance is phallic – Cohen is talking about his intentions with relationships. He didn't want to get close to people, he was just after sex.

Cohen is remorseful for how clumsy he has been with those people who had feelings for him – and how he has hurt a lot of people who thought he wanted to get closer. Clumsy like a drunk in a choir. Clumsy like a bird wobbling on a wire.

Cohen wants to be free – but he has broken a few hearts in trying to stay free.