Lyric discussion by stevenrmc 

Cover art for Love in the Dark lyrics by Adele

This song is about leaving someone behind. She has realized that whoever she is leaving does nothing but hurt her. It may not be intentional on his part, but nevertheless she can't stay anymore and she has to move on.

I can definitely relate to this song. My boyfriend and I broke up 6 months ago in 3 weeks. At first I wanted him in my life still as a friend but I have slowly realized that I can't have him in my life at all. Everything about our relationship now is dark and sad. When I see him I want to turn around and walk in the opposite direction. I've realized that he is no good for me in any capacity. This song made me realize exactly what I needed to do--walk away completely. So that is what I've done. We were co-workers--I quit my job. No one really understands the effect that he still has on me. He's reckless with my heart and can't be trusted to hold it responsibly so he doesn't get to at all.

We recently had a bit of a falling out and I told him that I couldn't be his friend anymore. When he asked why, I asked him to listen to this song. Sometimes the only way to move on from a relationship, regardless of it being romantic or not, is to walk away completely. For the first time I'm doing something for myself, putting my happiness and well being before his and I couldn't be happier.

My Interpretation