Lyric discussion by crushonyou 

Cover art for The Strangest Thing lyrics by George Michael

It's a really dark song in disguise. The music is light and sweet at the beginning but it sudenly turns to the minor key and feels twisted. As I see it, it's talking about depression –the way people suffering from it tend to hide their feelings and try to appear light and happy (because depression is often seen by outsiders as just plain weakness) but they cannot get away from their inner darkness. 'The liar in my head' might be that same darkness that whispers in their ears that they're not worthy or not enough. There's no escaping from these thoughts, and so they ask for help: 'take me to some peaceful land that I cannot find inside my head'. My own take on 'the thief upon my bed' is that depression depletes the person of the energy to get up in the morning, and they don't find motivation to even open their eyes, and so depression is again the thief that robs their motivation and willpower.

On the other hand, this song is part of 'Older', which opens with 'Jesus to a child', which he reportedly dedicates to Anselmo, and so the second part, where he talks about not finding a person that says 'I love you' back to him and 'wakes' him from this state with the aid of love, might be him just missing his lover, taking to him, trying to move on but not being very successful.