Lyric discussion by lildee293 

Cover art for All Right lyrics by Toad the Wet Sprocket

I know Todd Nichols sings the vocals on this song but I get the impression the lyrics are mostly Glen Phillip's. I know Glen has battled with depression in the past and the lyric style seems to be his.

I've listened to Lapdog songs (Todd, Dean, and Randy) and Todd's lyric style seem to be more literal than Glen's abstract form of writing.

I agree with what was mentioned above about the meaning being about sudden success and not being able to deal with all that comes with it. Either way, this song is absolutely beautiful for the lyrics and Todd's delivery on his vocals. He sounds amazing and definitely adds to that melancholy tone.

Toad is one of my all-time favorite bands if not, THE all-time favorite band for me. I'm so glad they are back together.

My Interpretation

@lildee293 I'm pretty sure lyrics are from nichols.