Lyric discussion by jakoblangley 

Cover art for London lyrics by Queensrÿche

If I recall from an old interview this is actually the continuation from walk in the shadows from the same rage for order album, back in the day the band was really into the Anne Rice books, Interview with the Vampire and Lestat, it seems for a moment to be talking about Jack the ripper but it's actually about the vampire who killed the girl he was convincing to join him.

"They cry remember, blood-red streaks on velvet throats at night"

"Sometimes I wish I could have taken your place my love / You know I don't want to live forever"

@jakoblangley Thanks for that piece of information, I was thinking the same thing.

@jakoblangley I don't remember any events taking place in London in the first two books of Vampire Chronicles? So why London? The Renaud theatre is moved from Paris to London in The Vampire Lestat, but that's about the only mention of London in the whole book. In the original book I can't remember any references to the city. So what am I missing here?