Lyric discussion by masonwilliamh 

Cover art for No. 1 Party Anthem lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

A certain scenario plays in my head when I listen to this song - partially because of a weird situation I've been in with a girl recently (I totally dig this girl and have been hanging out with her a lot, but she has a boyfriend...) but the scenario isn't something that has actually happened.

I know the song is about some sort of encounter at a club, but in my head I see something more along the lines of this:

First, he is walking into a party, aware that there is a certain girl there amongst the other girls, but still he is "dressing to impress" as a previous comment put it.

(The only lyric that doesn't apply to the scenario in my head is the line that makes it more obvious that the song is really about being at a club, whereas the guy I picture is just at some house party.)

Next, morals aren't an issue (Call off the search for your soul or put it on hold again). The reason I say he's looking for a certain girl is because the next few lines could easily suggest either a stranger or a specific person (She's having a sly indoor smoke, she calls the folks who run this her oldest friends, sipping her drink and laughing at imaginary jokes. As all the signals are sent, her eyes invite you to approach)

My favorite interpretation of this song comes in with the various placements of the "chorus" (Come on, come on, come on; Come on, come on, come on. Number one party anthem), where the first time I imagine the guy looking at himself in a mirror and telling himself "come on" as a self-motivation to make a move on this girl.

With the next verse, this girl somewhat turns into more than just a casual encounter, and it seems the guy actually falls for her a little bit more than he meant to. (She's a certified mind blower knowing full well that I don't... ...It's not like I'm falling in love I just want you to do me no good, and you look like you could)

With the next set of "come on, come on, come on", I picture him persuading her into bed, saying "come on" as he leads her to a random bedroom - "before the moment is gone," as the song suggests.

While the next series of lines plays, I imagine that these two start getting frisky, and this whole time I've imagined that this girl has a boyfriend already, and that he has found his way to the party to find his girlfriend. By the time he's gotten there, the other two are out by a pool having some drinks and just hanging out with everyone else, and the boyfriend has caught word of what may have happened between these two only moments earlier. So, he finds him, punches him, and pushes him into the pool. As the next series of "come on"'s plays, I imagine this time it's the boyfriend telling the girl to "come on" and leave the party with him.

I didn't mean to ramble on but I've just always loved coming up with scenarios based around my own interpretation of songs, and the way I imagine the meaning of "come on, come on, come on" changing throughout the song just seems to fit so well.

My Interpretation

@masonwilliamh strip club.. my thought