The lyrics is based on a real story: Grace Slick was in Germany in 1971, when she suffered a car accident.
"mine auto fairt ser schnell aber ess rast gegen mawen"
it means "Mein Auto fährt sehr schnell aber es rasst gegen Mauern",
in English "my car is very fast but is hits against the wall'.
but the rest doesn't make any sense, just a couple of german sounding words.
The lyrics is based on a real story: Grace Slick was in Germany in 1971, when she suffered a car accident.
"mine auto fairt ser schnell aber ess rast gegen mawen"
it means "Mein Auto fährt sehr schnell aber es rasst gegen Mauern",
in English "my car is very fast but is hits against the wall'.
but the rest doesn't make any sense, just a couple of german sounding words.