Lyric discussion by AndrewVS 

Cover art for Genesis lyrics by Grimes

Very simple song. She's just saying she always feels so close to love, but she never is, she never sees it for sure and she never knows for sure. This makes her fall (depression, rejection, isolation, etc) and then she knows she's meant to be alone. She is in love with life itself, but she can't seem to express this love and it drives her crazy, so she just stays in her own head. "And then I know". It's ominous/sad. At the same time, the way it's sung, it's as if she's comfortable with it, like a realization. "It's always different" -- no matter how much she rationalizes, she can never deal with it.

The above comment was written based on an old set of lyrics up here that had slightly different wording. I didnt know the song said the word "ever" at any point (saying 'never' for each hook is different than occasionally saying the word which means the exact opposite).

Additionally, the old lyrics said "I am a vagabond" instead of "I am the one in love"

Please take the above interpretation with these things in mind, because I think that I would re-write it with more optimism, now that I know the real lyrics. ...