Lyric discussion by PeteJ2013 

Cover art for London lyrics by Queensrÿche

Mmm Jack the Ripper. yeah nice idea - I had never envisioned that myself. I always saw the song as a lone figure walking through a desolate/deserted devastated future London. This guy is immortal - I presume a vampire "they cry remember - blood red streaks on velvet throats at night" Who is incredibly old and tired, cursed with immortality "you know I don't want to live forever" Who had actually loved one of his victims in Victorian London - but who had no choice but consume her life force OR who had to watch as old age/death took her "sometimes I wish I could have taken your place my love". That is how I always picture it. Thanks for reading :)

My Interpretation

@PeteJ2013 Nice interpretation, I can see the movie now! I hadn't thought of the futuristic thing b4, but it adds a nice touch, I love sci fi, coupled with a lonely vampire in a devastated London, I'd watch that movie ;) Hey since when am I markman? my name is Dave...