Lyric discussion by osubuckeye4 

Cover art for The Celestials lyrics by Smashing Pumpkins, The

Definitely a change in tempo.

The Celestials are comic book characters from the 70s. They are from another world and are basically ridiculously powerful and imposing.

As far as this song, I agree somewhat with the notion of freedom.

Part of me feels that this could be a song from someone who resents The Celestials for stepping in and saving them, because they want the freedom to save themselves. The narrator is always special K (detached, numb) to their efforts and instead focused on living their own life... rather than worshipping the all-powerful

Another part of me feels this is one of those songs that Billy just threw together words that sounded cool together (he's admitted he will do this from time to time).

The most important line to me would be:

Even when their numbers draw you out Everything I want is free

Essentailly, even when evil calls for The Celestials to come in and save the day... the narrator just wants everyone to go away and be free.