Lyric discussion by vosem 

Cover art for Siempre Es De Noche lyrics by Alejandro Sanz

This song is about a blind guy, who always waits for her friend to tell him how is the sunset, how's life and he obviously is in love with her.

Then he ask her "volverás? Dime si mañana volverás como lo has hecho cada tarde para contarme cómo muere el día" (will you come back? Tell me if you'll come back as you have done it every day to tell me how the day dies)

And then she leaves, but she never comes back.... "sólo fui testigo por casualidad, hasta que de pronto él me preguntó: era bella no es verdad? Más que la luna, dije yo, y el sonrió (by chance i was a witness, suddenly he asked me: she was beautiful, wasn't she? More than the moon, i said, and he smiled)

So, the girl died and this is why she never returned to see him.

This song is beautiful!!!! :)