Lyric discussion by mo17 

Cover art for Dying Inside lyrics by Cranberries, The

''Dying Inside'' is ment for all the ones who ever expirienced loosing their family members or some very important people in the lifes(as real friends).For the fatherless or motherless,orffens,for the widows. For to have respect for all the dead never to forget who they were when they were living next to you. For to remind us how we feel when we are lost,broken,sad,alone.How we are dying inside. This ong weeps it's self. I listen to cranberries when i feel the need to ,to help me brake trou somthing I'm dealing with,to scare away the ghosts.

This song remembers me of my father who died almost 4 years ago,from longue cancer.I must say even if I went trough hell with watching my father turning into a skeleton in his bed,in our house I'm still grafefull to God that at least He gave me a memory...A memory of my one and only father I'd ever had no matter if he was dificult,but kind with all of his good and bad sides I miss him so.I still live with a big emptyness eventhou time passed it could never be replaced from the heart and the mind.We just keep it deep inside occupin ourselfs with the things in life that came along trying to forget so the woom would heel.A memory open the woom again so if you don't want to get hurt don't think of it like it was never there if you want to save yourself from the pain.That's how life is.It has no mercy and it want wait. Here where I live people are so small they just see you trou money and how many big house you have,how many children do you have...If you don't have that than for what are you living for? I'm sorry for them. I've learned from expirience that you must never,never show your weeknes even thou it eats you up inside and the pain is unberable and you feel how you tear apart,how you brake. Lucky are the ones who never felt this such pain or any other kind. I just wish I could see my father once more to talk to him to have that chance to tell him how I really miss him in my life.I still think sometimes that he will come home like he's on some long trip.That's how my mind is feeling reliefed,that's how i keep from crying.

Thank You. That's my honest opinion. Thanx for posting this.