Lyric discussion by petruccifan7 

Cover art for Solitary Shell lyrics by Dream Theater

I'm not saying that the song is not about autism or that the band didn't confirm its autism, but what I think it is and how I like to think of it is as someone who grows up differently than the other kids. Someone like me, a kid growing up into music so deeply, who can't find anyone else who loves music and wants to grow up and be a musician. NONE of my friends listens, to dream theater. I'm 14. No one can tell me how this song was tuned like I can, no one can explain to me an f# scale like I can. People can be popular,and make fun of you, and listen to shitty music, but no one understands how I feel about music, and how it affects me. Solitary Shell explains that, for the most part, even if it is about autism.