Lyric discussion by kasha111 

Cover art for But Not Tonight lyrics by Depeche Mode

I know this may not be off-base here, but from my intuition this song represents an individual's experience of life when he finally decides to commit suicide. I know this is a very dark thought, esp. since it appears that the individual is "happy." However, when I was lying down listening to this song just before falling asleep it hit me. I work in mental health and from my understanding, when one is so depressed and makes the commitment to kill oneself, sometimes one can experience feelings of relief, joy happiness, contentment, they are embarking on a new journey and end to suffering.

"Some people show very positive behavior such as happiness or relief once their decision to take their own life and end the pain has been made. Unusual behavior, such as being very withdrawn or excessively animated can also be a sign that there is something wrong." I don't know...this is what i got from this song.

Very interesting. I didn't think about that. And it does make sense when you mention the unusual behavior and the relief of one's decision.

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@kasha111 this is exactly what I thought when I first heard it! I’m glad someone else sees it