This song is about watching your life pass by (watching the show) and not realizing what you are missing (you should do better). It's about letting the assholes of the world hold you back (get this crazy notions right out of your head). Illegitimi non carborundum - don't let the bastards grind you down. It's about deciding to start living more each day, instead of dieing more each day. It's about take a chance, making a change. It might be doing something great (spread your wings) or checking out (fly away). Either way it's not continuing along the path and circumstance you have come to. Carpe diem - sieze the day or seize your death. All you have to do is choose. Just choose.
This song is about watching your life pass by (watching the show) and not realizing what you are missing (you should do better). It's about letting the assholes of the world hold you back (get this crazy notions right out of your head). Illegitimi non carborundum - don't let the bastards grind you down. It's about deciding to start living more each day, instead of dieing more each day. It's about take a chance, making a change. It might be doing something great (spread your wings) or checking out (fly away). Either way it's not continuing along the path and circumstance you have come to. Carpe diem - sieze the day or seize your death. All you have to do is choose. Just choose.