Lyric discussion by ThomYorkeGuyGarvey92 

This is obviously about finding the most compatible person out there for you (specifically NOT young and inexperienced girls), but also not certain others; "Don't send me nobody with glasses, Don't want nobody above me (no snobby, arrogant intellectuals).

But these four lines baffle me; "I was entertaining a little girl in my rooms, Lord. With California wines and French perfumes, Lord. She started to talk to me about the war, Lord. I said, "I don't want to talk about the war.""

Unless he's referring to the fact that he wants to take things further, so to speak, by wooing and romanticising her, and she just wants to discuss the world?

I really have no idea about that bit.

It's on the LP Sail Away, from 1972. My guess: the guy is old and uptight, and the girl is a young hippie.

She wants to discuss the Vietnam War: a subject way beyond his scope.

The man (the unreliable narrator, a favorite Newman technique in those days) only wanted to get laid. Not to Talk Politics, FFS!