Lyric discussion by k_oss_mrld 

Cover art for Casey's Last Ride lyrics by Kris Kristofferson

Casey is headed home to his family late at night, taking as much time as he can, and remembering flashes of the romantic interlude he just finished with a former lover. He's noticing the sadness and foulness of the subway station, referencing the loneliness of the people and the desolation of the city. The bridges between verses are him flashing back to the conversation with this woman from his past who he hasn't seen in a long time, and we know they laid together in each other's arms and that he has a family back home. He stops off at a bar to take some more time, possibly regretting his act, possibly just getting himself to the point of no regret. But the entire song is just what's going through his head as he heads back home after stepping out for the night.