One of those classic pop songs that just get more relevant and affecting every passing year,what with the world collapsing around us: economies circle the crapper, enviromental disasters of biblical proportions, wars and rumors of & the general feeling of despair no one dares bring up but which seems apparent everywhere you LOOK, etc. etc. ETC.
Crap still reigns supreme
I can't think of another tune in fact that so elequently expresses utter disgust with the failure of Fourth Estate & what its been reduced to, a coporate dirge of tabloid trash, celebrity worship & general mind control, contributing leaps & bounds to the de-evolution of the human race. Course, the stink of rot is eye-wateringly palpable from all quarters of society, but there is mommy MEDIA, everywhere at once to bring us each single second & angle of eye witness footage just to twist that knife in a little deeper still, fiddling while it all burns. I award Her special position in my heart as being the worst of a deplorable lot, if only for eximplifying the western world's perverse obsession with voyeurism & how it makes spectator-slaves of us all.
One of those classic pop songs that just get more relevant and affecting every passing year,what with the world collapsing around us: economies circle the crapper, enviromental disasters of biblical proportions, wars and rumors of & the general feeling of despair no one dares bring up but which seems apparent everywhere you LOOK, etc. etc. ETC. Crap still reigns supreme
I can't think of another tune in fact that so elequently expresses utter disgust with the failure of Fourth Estate & what its been reduced to, a coporate dirge of tabloid trash, celebrity worship & general mind control, contributing leaps & bounds to the de-evolution of the human race. Course, the stink of rot is eye-wateringly palpable from all quarters of society, but there is mommy MEDIA, everywhere at once to bring us each single second & angle of eye witness footage just to twist that knife in a little deeper still, fiddling while it all burns. I award Her special position in my heart as being the worst of a deplorable lot, if only for eximplifying the western world's perverse obsession with voyeurism & how it makes spectator-slaves of us all.
....Truly guys, we coulnd't do it without you