Lyric discussion by narsil 

Cover art for I Grieve lyrics by Peter Gabriel

I was just rereading "A Grief Observed" by C.S. Lewis and came across a very familiar line... The books is an edited version of Lewis' journal in which he copes with the death of his wife, Joy Gresham. Lewis, in case you didn't know, was (and is) a popular Christian apologetic. But in this book he questions his faith. He says at one point that his faith, prior to his wife's death, must have been like a house of cards which hadn't taken a real blow. He worries that even as he writes, he may be constructing a new "card-house," rationalizing and distancing himself, etc. And he writes,

"But there are two questions here. In which sense may it be a house of cards? Because the things I am believing are only a dream, or because I only dream that I believe them?"

Clearly Peter Gabriel took some inspiration from Lewis. That line was always my favorite in the song and now I love it even more.