Lyric discussion by Jonotheintrepid 

Cover art for Mütterlein lyrics by Nico

Here is my translation:

Dear little Mütterlein* Now I may finally be with you The longing and the loneliness Redeem themselves in blessedness**

The cradle is your homeland-dress A gracefulness*** your glory In ecstasy your heartbreak transforms And reaches inside of the victorious tide

  • The word Mütterlein is formed by adding the suffix "lein" to the word "Mütter" (mother). This suffix is used to form diminutives (make things smaller or more familiar) but is rarely used in modern German, with the suffix "chen" much preferred. The most common word which includes the suffix -lein is "Fraulein", meaning an unmarried woman, so the meaning of "Mütterlein" could be the virgin Mary, which would fit in with other religious themes in the album Desertshore, although the word has appeared in other artistic works simply as a diminuative of "Mutter". **Not entirely sure on this one, could also be "are taken over by blessedness" *** This is an idiomatic translation which seems t fit with the other lyrics, as I'm not sure how to interpret this word, its literal translation is "a balancing", "a hovering" or "a floating".