Lyric discussion by nikkpat 

Cover art for Toes Across The Floor lyrics by Blind Melon

I think the song is about feeling like you're going crazy and loosing your mind. You see in the first stanza what he feels and then you have people telling him that he shouldn't say those things. And when he talks about lying down with dogs, it's like the saying "if you lie with dogs you're gonna get fleas." Then in the third stanza he talks about how he just slugishly going through life and not giving himself space from other people who are telling him he's wrong. Which leads him to make a facade for other people which cause him not be able to see his own thoughts clearly. Then in the last stanza I feel as though he has just given up trying to fight and is letting the thoughts of other people enter his mind. I think this is shown when he talks about the Hunter's dog. The Hunter being Orion and his dog being Sirius. In anciet Greece when the star called Sirius could be seen during the summer they thought that was what made dogs pant instead of the warm weather. This made acient greeks think that dogs went crazy because they where ruled by the star siruis (dog star) giving rise to the phrase "dog days of summer."