Lyric discussion by heavy_metal 

Cover art for Tormentor Of Christian Souls lyrics by Dimmu Borgir

Hahahahaha I really love this site.

And I escpecially love all these people who are commenting this song... it is always as amusing.

The meaning of this song, so that you FINALLY understand that this is not plain shit:

The "satanist" tells us all those things he/she could do with a christian to torment the christian. But the "satanist" won't do that, because he/she doesn't find pleasure in that. Instead, the "satanist" will remain calm in the shadows - he/she doesn't even need to touch the christian with one finger, or anything - and laugh at the poor christian when he find him/herself in trouble.

You may not like what it says, but it is still a good way to express "don't start killing your enemies, stand in the shadows and behold as they get ruined psychically, and then laugh at their misfortune".

If we talk about the musical part, it is a great song, symphonic black metal \m/