bryan b, tom petty is three times the artist johnny cash is, and i really dont think that he preformed wont back down better that tp himself. Tom is an amazing artist. he hits everypoint in life. At every single moment of my day, i could sum an event up with a TP song. Hes written so many just about everyday stuff that its impossible not to be able to connect with any and all of them. Even now, i consider this like runnin down a dream, cuz im writing this as im driving around the city listening to the radio with my laptop in my lap. Oddly enough, its also raining.
bryan b, tom petty is three times the artist johnny cash is, and i really dont think that he preformed wont back down better that tp himself. Tom is an amazing artist. he hits everypoint in life. At every single moment of my day, i could sum an event up with a TP song. Hes written so many just about everyday stuff that its impossible not to be able to connect with any and all of them. Even now, i consider this like runnin down a dream, cuz im writing this as im driving around the city listening to the radio with my laptop in my lap. Oddly enough, its also raining.