Lyric discussion by lizzie_april 

Cover art for Freedom! '90 lyrics by George Michael

This song makes alot more sense now than it did when I heard it over 15 years ago. It is him coming out, plain and simple. It is just so well written, and even as a straight person, I can really appreciate it. It is very autobiographical if you really listen to it.

@lizzie_april I'm hoping that it makes even more sense to you, now that another 9 years have passed. This song has nothing to do with him coming out. This song was 100% about breaking free from his label and the image associated with him through his Faith days. Labels treat you like a slave, owning you and not allowing you to be who you want to be. Other than the line, "There's something deep inside of me - There's someone I forgot to be..." there is nothing in this song that points to his inner secret dealing with his sexuality....