Lyric discussion by kensredemption 

Cover art for You're Gonna Go Far, Kid lyrics by Offspring, The

I don't know with everything that's been typed out here so far, but here's my interpretation of the song:

There's apparently a conspirator who's using someone as a scapegoat to pass the chaos and aggression onto.

In layman terms: The kid's placing the blame on someone else to make up for his/her mistakes.

He makes himself look like some kind of Jesus because he never does anything wrong. Little known to his followers, he's not interested in what they want - Only what he wishes.

The fact that the kid's gonna go far, meant that using others to place the blame on will only work for so long.

Since the kid can no longer get what he wants, it's because someone knows what he's been up to, and now all of the negative attention will be drawn back to the kid.

In the end though, his followers will always side with him, so the fucker (The Kid) can dance and celebrate all he wants, because our narrator "Never had a chance" to expose him for who he really is.

Other than that though, I can see where other people got their interpretations from. Please don't flame me, I'm just saying what I thought he said.

I agree very much with you. I think that was a very good interpretation.

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Well ur the first one to get it rite, its mainly bout lord of the flies

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i also agree but have something to maybe add? when he is calling him lord of the flies it could be a reference to the book or the fact that flies don't live for very long and if anyone tries to stand up to him then they will not either.