Lyric discussion by partidaf_17 

Cover art for Se Quiere, Se Mata lyrics by Shakira

first it describes Braulio(big eyes, dark hair etc.), then it decribes Dana (a good girl acording to her parents, never comes home late). Next it goes on describing that Braulio and Dana love eachother but one day they were caught by natures ways and they had sex. Later Dana finds out shes pregnant and before the "neighbors"(all the people around her) know about it she went to the doctor to "end the problem"/have an abortion. This goes wrong and Dana dies.

The song says to Dana "your neighbor is home taking a good shower and you're two meters underground watching magets grow".

The point this song is trying to make is that this is a rotten city where you kill what you don't want (thats actually the title of the song). in this case the baby wasn't wanted so she killed it and by mistake ended her life aswell.