Lyric discussion by lycao 

Cover art for The Island lyrics by Paul Brady

According to Paul Brady, this song is half about the goings on in north ireland, and half a love song. Sort of like, a man is talking to the women he loves about what's going on, and then catches him self going on and on about something so depressing "But hey, don't listen to me 'Cause this wasn't meant to be no sad song We've heard too much of that before Right now I only want to be with you", and starts telling her how much he loves her.

Maybe bearhunter has already forgotten about his posting, but I would like to say that I am glad, somebody else also feels that this is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. The music and the lyrics go perfectly together. The topic of the song - be it Northern Ireland or not - is the search for the happy place in troubled times, the eternal Sehnsucht of the human being for love. I hope Paul Brady could take his girl to The Island...

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