Lyric discussion by RealityBytes 

Cover art for The Heart of the Matter lyrics by Don Henley

Like most art, the artist leaves it to interpretation of the listener, melding together with what they bring to it. Likewise, the artist may be inspired by more than one thing in writing it...

I think this is a synthesis of many things in Don's life (and the co-writers as well), certainly it has part of its genesis in the breakup of the Eagles, but also more than likely personal relationships as well, which we can all relate too.

Katherine mentioned (in the other thread) about Don's intro to this on the 'Hell Freezes Over' DVD, that this song "took 42 years to write, and about 4 minutes to sing. So..." - and he leaves it at that... but if you saw his face when he said it, you know it means so much to him that mere words cannot do it justice. You have to hear it, you have to sing it, you have to live it.

One other thing you might consider, is that this sing is really a conversation with a friend, which is continued in 'My Thanksgiving': "A lot of things have happened since the last time we spoke Some of them are funny, some of em ain't no joke And I trust you will forgive me if I lay it on the line I always thought you were a friend of mine"

...and ends with:

"For every moment of joy every hour of fear For every winding road that brought me here For every breath, for every day of living This is my thanksgiving

For everyone who helped me start And for everything that broke my heart For every breath, for every day of living This is my thanksgiving"

Isn't that the ultimate expression of forgiveness?

These two songs make a beautiful pair of bookends to the same thought, about personal spiritual growth.