I get a vibe from this song because it relates to a certain thing in my life at the moment. That is, unrequited love. I am in love with someone but she doesn't love me, or even really know I exist. The line, " I feel so cold and I long for your embrace" reflects this feeling in me.
Sometimes the love is so strong and my need for her so great that it can get to a point of possession, where my heart and mind shout that she is mine and mine alone. "Oh can't you see, you belong to me?"
Also, no matter how much I try to move on and find someone else who might possibly love me in return, it always comes back to her. "I dream at night I can only see your face.
I look around but it's you I can't replace"
I get a vibe from this song because it relates to a certain thing in my life at the moment. That is, unrequited love. I am in love with someone but she doesn't love me, or even really know I exist. The line, " I feel so cold and I long for your embrace" reflects this feeling in me.
Sometimes the love is so strong and my need for her so great that it can get to a point of possession, where my heart and mind shout that she is mine and mine alone. "Oh can't you see, you belong to me?"
Also, no matter how much I try to move on and find someone else who might possibly love me in return, it always comes back to her. "I dream at night I can only see your face. I look around but it's you I can't replace"
This is an excellent take on the song!
This is an excellent take on the song!