Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy!
Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy!
The world is holy!
The nose is holy!
The cock is holy!
The tongue is holy!
Everything’s holy!
Everyone’s holy!
Every day is holy!
Angels are holy!
The bum’s as holy as the angel!
The madman is holy as you are!
The typewriter is holy—the poem is holy—the voice is holy—the heavens are holy—the ecstasy is holy!
Holy the friendship of hotels and cathedrals
Holy the toilets, filled with friendly urine
Holy the mysterious rivers of tears underneath the streets
Holy New York, holy Los Angeles, holy Peoria and Seattle, holy Paris, holy Casablanca, holy Kiev, holy Istanbul!
Holy time! Holy eternity!
Holy the angel—holy the sea—holy the rain forest—holy the jungle—holy the railroad—holy the truck drivers—holy the visions—holy the hallucinations—holy the miracles!
Holy Moley!
Holy abyss
Holy mercy!
Holy suffering
Holy holy!
Holy smokes!
Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! The world is holy! The nose is holy! The cock is holy! The tongue is holy! Everything’s holy! Everyone’s holy! Every day is holy! Angels are holy! The bum’s as holy as the angel! The madman is holy as you are! The typewriter is holy—the poem is holy—the voice is holy—the heavens are holy—the ecstasy is holy! Holy the friendship of hotels and cathedrals Holy the toilets, filled with friendly urine Holy the mysterious rivers of tears underneath the streets Holy New York, holy Los Angeles, holy Peoria and Seattle, holy Paris, holy Casablanca, holy Kiev, holy Istanbul! Holy time! Holy eternity! Holy the angel—holy the sea—holy the rain forest—holy the jungle—holy the railroad—holy the truck drivers—holy the visions—holy the hallucinations—holy the miracles! Holy Moley! Holy abyss Holy mercy! Holy suffering Holy holy! Holy smokes!
Ginsberg [paraphrased]