Lyric discussion by kizak 

Cover art for Godhead's Lament lyrics by Opeth

This, to me, is the most over-looked Opeth song ever. It's absolutely incredible, Mikael sings like a fucking ANGEL. I love it. And, to all those speculating about it, Still Life IS a concept album, indeed. Here's the rundown...

  1. (The Moor): He returns to hometown, because he was booted out of his former home, accused of being a heretic.

  2. (Godhead's Lament): He sees Melinda, a girl he loved when he was a child. She's also the reason he returned (he says this in The Moor)

  3. (Benighted): He wants to ask Melinda to run off and elope with him.

  4. (Moonlapse Vertigo): He fellows Melinda home at night, so he won't be spotted by anyone.

  5. (Face Of Melinda): He meets Melinda, but, she tells him she's already married to another man ("she swore her vows to another")... but, he convinces her to run off with him, and she agrees because she truly loves him.

  6. (Serenity Painted Death): Things take a turn for the worst as they try to elope, when Melinda is caught and killed for crimes against her husband. He swears his life to avenge her death.

  7. (White Cluster): He is hanged.