Lyric discussion by capricorn 

Cover art for Creatures Of Habit lyrics by Deicide

Preachers and faith spreaders taking advantage of the poor, scared and old. Selling their faith and then applying the monetary part of the church with tithing,preachers that prey on the misfortunate in order to get money for their luxuries.Ever see TBN, its loaded with these assholes.

FYI: The mainstream priests get paid little. Some even take vows of poverty. If you're gonna lump all those of faith together, I'd hate to hear what you say about blacks, jews, gays, fat people, etc. Stop being a bigot. Your prejudice is disgusting.

FYI: The mainstream priests get paid little. Some even take vows of poverty. If you're gonna lump all those of faith together, I'd hate to hear what you say about blacks, jews, gays, fat people, etc. Stop being a bigot. Your prejudice is disgusting.

Wow. Two for the price of one:) And BTW, many of the most prejudiced people I know entitle themselves liberals or progressives. They are too arrogant to see their own prejudice. There was a wonderful early 80's study that showed just that...those who believe they are the least bigoted harbor the deeper feelings. Study up before spouting off, big shot.