This song seems to me a complaint against guys who haven't got a clue on what women want. They're either to caught up with their cultural references or they're "scheming up a way to get women into bed"
neither of which is really gonna get a girl interested. Of course, it would seem the singer's animosity towards these "men" is based on the fact that it works and he's sick of it.
song's got a nice flow... shame the chorus was left out of the lyrics though ("They're scheming on a way to get you into bed")
This song seems to me a complaint against guys who haven't got a clue on what women want. They're either to caught up with their cultural references or they're "scheming up a way to get women into bed"
neither of which is really gonna get a girl interested. Of course, it would seem the singer's animosity towards these "men" is based on the fact that it works and he's sick of it.
song's got a nice flow... shame the chorus was left out of the lyrics though ("They're scheming on a way to get you into bed")