We called it The End of the Summer because the end of the summer is a time when you take the sticks and leaves out of your hair and put on your shoes and go back to something like school... it's a time when you become more serious. And in a Shakespearrean sense it's when you collect and recollect and harvest...you know, glean important lessons from things. And there's this sort of reluctant coming back into the civilized world quality in a lot of these narratives.
dar says:
We called it The End of the Summer because the end of the summer is a time when you take the sticks and leaves out of your hair and put on your shoes and go back to something like school... it's a time when you become more serious. And in a Shakespearrean sense it's when you collect and recollect and harvest...you know, glean important lessons from things. And there's this sort of reluctant coming back into the civilized world quality in a lot of these narratives.