Lyric discussion by huggybear0132 

Cover art for Black Rose Immortal lyrics by Opeth

This song looks like it's describing an invocation of satan as a final resort to a problem (loneliness, depression, whatever it is). The opening two lines show that it is a cry for help to someone. "I wear a naked soul" - saying his soul is exposed and vulnerable. "Eyes attached" through "but still so precious" talk about his communication with satan, saying that he speaks to satan in thoughts, even though satan is inaccessible, hidden in a "secret orchard." From "Lullaby of the crescent moon" to "divine herd" talks about how he was finally converted by the soothing nature (lullaby) of the night, and gave his soul up to satan. But he hides it, remains among the "divine herd," keeps his "golden symbol" hidden until the day comes that he can join satan (black rose immortal?).

Anyway, that's my impression of the song, please help me out, I love this song and want to figure out exactly what it means . . .