Lyric discussion by nephos 

Cover art for Tenderloin lyrics by Rancid

This song is obviously about a woman of some sort.

ten·der·loin n.

  1. The tenderest part of a loin of beef, pork, or similar cut of meat.

She's a piece of meat. More specifically, she's a prostitute.

Also, the "loins" are one's reproductive organs.

This song is definitely about a prostitute. But, more specifically, it's about how she knows the scorn she receives for this. She even knows that she's "going down below where the fire's glowing."

She's not apathetic about it though. "Realise you're dehumanised, You criticise your existence. It´s your demise when no sun arise, When you're paralysed by your lack of resistance." I think it's a sad song. She can't help but do what she does. Not that I find prostitution morally reprehensible, but the fact that she accepts that she is simply a piece of meat and that the only place to go from there is down makes the song depressing with this upbeat sound. Kind of funny.

Just another instance of amazing lyrics from Rancid.

intersting interpetation but the tenderloin district is downton sf...where hookers work

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