When the police pull you over and shit and find gonja
Now every month they checking on your piss
They getting mad cuz you ain't come back since
And now they sweating you
That's how P.O.'s get fucked up
The reason why being that I got pulled over by the cops and this is what is currently happening to me. Cops are checking my piss and sweatin me now and it sucks.
LOL! Yea it means a lot to me I can tell ya.
Spefically this part:
When the police pull you over and shit and find gonja Now every month they checking on your piss They getting mad cuz you ain't come back since And now they sweating you
That's how P.O.'s get fucked up
The reason why being that I got pulled over by the cops and this is what is currently happening to me. Cops are checking my piss and sweatin me now and it sucks.