Lyric discussion by ShesMyAlcatraz 

Cover art for Los Angeles Is Burning lyrics by Bad Religion

After watching the music video for this (yes i know music videos sometimes have their own agenda...) I think the song is about our callous media and their tendancy to explot tragic events. All the fictitious choas is just a flashy backdrop to a very real news agenda.

The Los Angeles fires are an example of how the News will peddle "reality", just like television peddles "reality" shows as actual reality when it's not. Our whole modern civilization can be summed up in one word... Marketing. The News will sensationalize events like LA fires to sell their programming. You can't turn to the News for real news anymore. That has caused this world to go insane because we can't distinguish reality from fiction. Most of the news outlets have an agenda and bring in reporters who will further that agenda, like Fox News and MSNBC, etc. Or they...

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