Lyric discussion by 6th_sadistic_sniper 

Cover art for Karma lyrics by Opeth

You need to buy My Arms Your Hearse, and read the lyrics. It's a concept album, so you can't judge what one song is about without hearing all the others. It's all one big story.

But you're not far off... in this song, the ghost is describing how easy it was to leave the body in his coffin and return to haunt the house where he lived. However, he has now accepted that there is nothing here for him to gain or to lose. Finally he returns to the forest, the only place where he can be alone in his fate, and becomes a figure of local legend.

@6th_sadistic_sniper I agree that it's good to go through the album and look up the story and lyrics and intently listen, but I always thought of the songs as allegorical (especially April Ethereal, that's probably my favorite) so even before I knew the story I had gotten my own meaning out of that song. Idk really just whatever you're into.