Lyric discussion by karma-kazi 

Cover art for Away From Here lyrics by Mustard Plug

Well i have to say that this place has had a big affect on me. After comming to this song part like acouple of days ago and reading some of this stuff i have packed my bags and bought a plane ticket and now i'm off to california to get my girl back.. She left like a year ago and i was all drugged up and drank and smoked alot but i'm clean now and i've told all my friend (everyone of them keep trying to get me back on drugs) to piss off, so i have nothing to live for here so i'm off to california where i will live with my girl!!! i'm soo hyped up i wrote the name of the city on my skateboard so when i get there i can use it instead of a sign if i have to hick hike...bye georgia..............

rofl tool.

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