No comments yet huh? Well this was apparently sampled from an interview of Rickie Lee Jones by Levar Burton for The Reading Rainbow kids show. She was supposedly obviously under the influence of some sort of hallucinogen(maybe shrooms or LSD) and continued to ramble about the beautiful colors of the skies as she remembered them from her childhood. On a side-note I think there Pat Metheny and Ennio Morricone are also sampled in the song. Plus it gets bonus points for being in a VW commercial. The Orb's album OFOrb is one of the best albums EVER.
No comments yet huh? Well this was apparently sampled from an interview of Rickie Lee Jones by Levar Burton for The Reading Rainbow kids show. She was supposedly obviously under the influence of some sort of hallucinogen(maybe shrooms or LSD) and continued to ramble about the beautiful colors of the skies as she remembered them from her childhood. On a side-note I think there Pat Metheny and Ennio Morricone are also sampled in the song. Plus it gets bonus points for being in a VW commercial. The Orb's album OFOrb is one of the best albums EVER.