This is stone-cold genius. Tom Waits and Bob Dylan are great, and I know people already give Elvis a lot of credit, but he deserves it a lot more than Dylan. Dylan writes great narratives but often things become repetetive or meandering, and the musical edge pales in comparison with Costello. Long live the king.
This is stone-cold genius. Tom Waits and Bob Dylan are great, and I know people already give Elvis a lot of credit, but he deserves it a lot more than Dylan. Dylan writes great narratives but often things become repetetive or meandering, and the musical edge pales in comparison with Costello. Long live the king.
Can't stand T. Waits' gravelly voice and bohemian persona.
Can't stand T. Waits' gravelly voice and bohemian persona.
But I LOVE Elvis C. Saw him live once inthe 80's
But I LOVE Elvis C. Saw him live once inthe 80's