Lyric discussion by phatz 

Cover art for Kashmir lyrics by Led Zeppelin

Jimmy Page is an idiot for pimping out this song to Puff Daddy, that stupid wanker who, just like all the other brain dead rap """"artists"""" hasn't evver written a good song in his life. What is 100000 times worse is that i hear that Page is now pimping out Stairway to Heaven to him....

i totally agree jjon ..Ive been zepfan since 7th grade...i was so fuking disappointted by Page..he was known to be tight-fisted with a led it wasnt like he needed the money the pricks a billionaire...i m semi-professional musician and i can somewhat understand the sometimes suicidal need for hard cash when people rip you off for a wedding gig cause u dont have a choice..[Picasso used to burn his canvas to keep ward] but this is way way after they sshat money in their sleep...the same goes for that McCartney [and Yoke] prick who was to fucking tight and...

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@phatz brain dead rappers fucking eh the worst thieves out there I hate that vial music with extreme hate and kids that listen to it, lazy bastards, snoop dog should be exiled just like napoleon to elba never to return alive and bring your no talent pals dog, oops did I think that out loud

@phatz brain dead rap,, wow my sentiments excatly,rap should outlawed,, rap people should be lobotomised