Lyric discussion by Ajl777 

Cover art for Here Is Gone lyrics by Goo Goo Dolls, The

Sierp, you are one funny guy/gal. Your brain capacity don't have the skills to comprehend any lyrics that are abstract. This world need less 13 year old kids that think it is "cool" to insult what other people listen to. If this type of music don't suit your fancy, then too bad for you. No need to open that hole of yours and flame on what other people like. Well, I guess I have to give you some credit, you probably haven't passed puberty yet so that attitude is some-what understandable. Let this be a lesson to you.

@Ajl777 dude whoever you are STFU! Everything this person said made sense to the lyrics.. why don\'t you explain what the lyrics mean otherwise stay in your lane pube you\'re lucky idk who you are otherwise I\'d slap the living hell out of you punk