Lyric discussion by fletcherjhs 

Cover art for Exhumation of Virginia Madison lyrics by Strung Out

i think this song is for a dead lover, Vigrina Madison. she has died and left him feeling completly dead inside. He wastes his life away wanting to be dead with her, drinking and watching t.v. I think that he also is counting down the days until he can be with her, or maybe he plans to go to her grave to commit suicide on her grave to be with her. It's a great song and their new CD "An american paradox" just came out and i have it ordered from, and i encourage every punk fan to go out and get it.

@fletcherjhs A dead lover? Seriously? Virginia Madison is an actress. He is obviously fantasizing about her... Even at the end of the song he clearly states "Another fucked up fantasy, Gotta learn to stay away from all this tv"

How in the world do fuckheads like you, take a song with a pretty blatant meaning and sway so far away from it's meaning .. did you actually listen to the song?