Juxtapozed With U Lyrics
wow... the records SFA set... do you mean juxtaposed in the title, or in the lyrics. There's gotta be another song out there with juxtaposed in it
- what does juxtaposed mean? 2.im lovin it!!!
- i have weird taste in music for a twelve year old girl.
- dinners ready
- gotta go
- see yall
- lol
- :)
- ....................
- sorry bout the spellingz!
it's so great song..........
Hey yeah...thats what I thought he was saying
This song was the first British top 40 hit containing the word "Juxtaposed" in any way of spelling. Daffy, I do agree with you when he says BIFF BANG POW, that's what it sounds like to countless others too.
Is it me, or does this song sound very Elvis Costello and the Attractions stylee? Good song nonetheless.
"I'm not in love with you, but I won't hold that against you" What a great line, what a great sentiment. What a great fucking band.
Great song!
Isn't the mention of 'Biff! Bang! Pow!' a reference to (Creation label boss) Alan McGee's old band? At the time 'Juxtapose...' was written, Creation was on it's last legs, and SFA were leaving for Epic/Sony...
I don't think the entire song's about that, but as ever with SFA, their lyrics manage to cover several subjects within the same song!
citizen...sshhh. we can all hear you. No need to yell. Anyway, great song, really pretty music. these guys are yet another (with apologies to ian dury) reason to be cheerful.