Beer Song Lyrics
It's getting harder every day
Brothers, sisters, hear me say
'Til my very dying day
I'm out on the streets
I'm at wits end and I've nearly been beat
See they've taken my home
They've taken my wife
They've taken my job
And they've taken my life
But there's one thing that they will not take
That I will hold til the end
Until my dying day
'Cause it's part of me
And it's time that we say
They will not take it all away!
Through thick and thin
Good times and bad
You know I just can't win
I've been beat on, kicked on, insulted to my face
The whole bleedin' world things I'm a bleedin' disgrace
Yeah they can own my body but they'll never own my mind
So they better face the facts, 'cause now is the time
'Till we all join hands, and all of us say
They will not take it all away
I've been runnin' uphill
I work my fingers to the bone
Just to get my fill
And they still want more
It's getting harder everyday
Until there's nothing left
Until they take it all away

I, along with a few of my friends think that this song is about being an alcoholic. It could even be sung by people in an AA meeting. Listen to the song and read the lyrics and it should come to you.

i agree, this is an awesome song.

I think this song is just about shit going bad in life, going to the bar and having a cold one with your friends. Just a working man haivng a hard time, but he keeps trying. This is the anthem of all the blue collar guys at the bar.

This song is about bad things happening to good men. It is about how society has taken all of his things. The only thing that he owns is himself. They can take all of his material possessions and even his family but his spirit can't be broken. An anthem for all blue collar guys.

I love this song. I agree, it's about authority taking away everything they can from you. "They'll never take it away" I kind of thought refers to his freedom of thought, but I think it's ironic that the song is called "beer", as in that's what they're referring to.
"Well they can own my body, but they'll never own my mind" That line sums it up.